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  4. Will a user’s access to a LearnDash course expire after all payment plans are paid?

Will a user’s access to a LearnDash course expire after all payment plans are paid?

A common issue with LearnDash is that when a user completes all installments on a payment plan, their Subscription status is updated from ‘Active’ to ‘Expired’. At this point, LearnDash removes the user from the course.

To allow a user to continue to have access to their LearnDash course after making all payments, do the following steps:

  1. On your WordPress dashboard, go to  WooCommerce > Settings > and click the Subscriptions tab.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the Subscriptions settings and check the  Disable checkbox under Access Removal on Expiration.

Next, click Save changes.

Updated as of LearnDash LMS – WooCommerce Integration plugin version 1.9.1. You previously had to add a snippet to your functions.php file but now this is not necessary.

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